What is Numerology?
Science of numbers. Mathematics of the universe. ‘Numerology’ = ‘numerus’
(Latin word) for numbers and ‘logos’ (Greek word) for ‘word’, ‘thought’ and
‘expression’. Also science of Vibrations and Self-Discovery. It is a Metaphysical
science – e.g. astrology, palmistry, tarot card reading, feng shui, vasthu – a man
made science based on what we believe to be right.
Numerology is the study of an unique combination of one’s BIRTH DATE and
NAME.When studied carefully and deeply and computations are done accurately,
& when the resulting numbers are synthesized, analyzed & forecasts are arrived
at objectively,
Numerology can tell so many aspects of one’s talent, destiny,
character, personality, strengths & weaknesses, challenges in life,
internal urges, how to succeed and overcome obstacles, & even previous lifetimes- i.e. past lives, yearly events, past , present and the future.
Hence numerology is not just a forecast of the present and future, it is the
Energies, Forces, Vibrations and circumstances & opportunities that one
faces at any point in time.
character, personality, strengths & weaknesses, challenges in life,
internal urges, how to succeed and overcome obstacles, & even previous lifetimes- i.e. past lives, yearly events, past , present and the future.
Hence numerology is not just a forecast of the present and future, it is the
Energies, Forces, Vibrations and circumstances & opportunities that one
faces at any point in time.
History of Numerology: Where did it originate?
Modern numerology or better known as WESTERN NUMEROLOGY began
in Greece about 2600 years ago. Pythagoras, the famous Greek philosopher
and mathematician, gave us the Pythagorean system of Numerology and
now known as “father of modern Numerology”.Another system was developed
even earlier in Ancient Babylon (now the region of Iraq and Persia).
That system was known as MYSTIC NUMEROLOGY, and now known
as the Chaldean system of Numerology..
How many systems/methodologies are there?
There are 3 formal versions of Numerology in use today:
The Chaldean, The Kabbalah and The Pythagorean besides the Egyptian,
Vedic system, the Chinese & Mayan systems.
There are 3 formal versions of Numerology in use today:
The Chaldean, The Kabbalah and The Pythagorean besides the Egyptian,
Vedic system, the Chinese & Mayan systems.
There is a high degree of accuracy in Numerology. Compared with other
metaphysical sciences, Numerology is regarded the highest.
metaphysical sciences, Numerology is regarded the highest.
I am a practitioner of the Pythagorean system. I believe this
system has inherent mysticism and offers good accuracy
especially when accurate computations are aided by tested
computer programmes which I use for my Readings.
I also use the Chaldean system for my work to analyze names
as well as basic Palmistry for certain supporting information in
my Reading for clients.
Numerology, in its finality, is to help ENRICH one’s life!!!!
as well as basic Palmistry for certain supporting information in
my Reading for clients.
Numerology, in its finality, is to help ENRICH one’s life!!!!
Why does Numerology work?
It is my believe that the vibration of
numbers is a real factor. Next is the
resulting sounds from the
vibrations. Both of these are concealed phenomena,
like electricity
running through a wire.The Cosmos energises everything on
and numbers linkage to the Cosmos is invariably and possibly, another
factor for numerology to work.Herein lies the Secret of keeping an
to the sky!
with the occult and spirituality aspects of numerology, is the
paramount force of a Supreme Power, call it the Creator or Paramount
Truth or God force.
an element of psychic or mental energy also influences our ability
know more than just the usual. It is a power within us that can be
cultivated/developed to feel/sense/know much more, revealing the hidden.